Sea Kayaking 223, Ocean Kayak Surfing
WARNING: Kayak surfing is addictive!
Kayak surfing is the best way for sea kayakers to build the skills needed in order to paddle downwind, launch and land in waves, and tour exposed coast; it's also a blast! River kayakers enjoy ocean surfing as a way to stay active in mid-summer when the rivers a low.


Learning to surf in a sea kayak is a slow, frustrating way to start. Our two-day surf kayaking courses include free use of specially selected kayaks that make learning to surf easier and more fun. With the kayaks we provide, you'll spend less time swimming and more time learning to surf. You'll start off using a surfing sit-on-top kayak that relieves the fear of capsizing -- simply slide off and hop back on without the need for a paddle float or pump. These kayaks are fitted with thigh straps so you can brace and roll them too.
If possible, bring your own sea kayak to use on the second day. The kayaks we provide are unique in that they speed up your learning curve, yet the boat handling skills (catching and riding waves, bracing etc.) you'll learn with them are directly transferable to handling any kayak in any kind of waves (i.e. wind waves or tide rips in the San Juan Islands or standing waves in rivers). Using your own kayak on day two allows you to test your new skills with your equipment.
In addition to surfing and bracing technique, these courses cover surfing hazards, strategies for launching and landing, surf etiquette (rules for getting along with other surfers), and how to choose where to surf or where to land when touring exposed coasts. The combination of our state-of-the-art instruction, and the kayaks we provide assures that you will be on the fastest possible learning curve.
Even if your plans don't include trips exposed to ocean swells, playing in surf will make you a safer more confident paddler - the next time you get caught in wind waves you'll be glad you took this course. And if you dream of kayaking the outer coasts, then surfing experience is a must. So whether your goal is to cut up waves like a surfboarder or survive in surf with a loaded sea kayak, our surf course is the way to start. You do not need to be an expert kayaker to take our surfing lesson, but we recommend that you have at least a high percentage of success with your roll when practicing.
*NOTE* Sea kayaks are required in this lesson, but not provided. If you have a sea kayak, bring it! If you do not own a sea kayak, you can rent one from K.A. for an additional fee.
Unless otherwise noted, these courses are taught on the Washington coast at a beach about 2 1/2 hours drive from Seattle. Camping and hotels are available nearby.
Registration and Confirmation:
Determine the date that fits your schedule. Read prerequisites, liability, and cancellation policy. Then place your reservation by filling in required information on this page, adding the lesson to your cart, and check out. Your spot is confirmed once you pay.
Location: Washington coast - Pacific Beach State Park. If you are NOT camping at the park, a State Parks Discover Pass is required to drive into park
Duration: 2 days
Class Size: 5
Tuition: $770 (includes free use of sit-on-top specialty surf kayaks, paddles, dry suit, booties, PFD, and helmet)
Kayak Rental: $100 for sea kayak. If you have your own sea kayak, you may use it at the lesson. If you don't have one, you must rent a sea kayak. Tuition includes free use of Kaos Surf sit-on-top kayak, but after the first morning we switch to sea kayaks.
Parking: If you are not staying at the campground, a Washington State Discover Pass ($30/yr.) or $10 Day Use Fee is required per car. Passes may be purchased on-line at:Buy Discover Pass On-line
Camping: Available at state park
Hotels: Nearby
Liability Form:
Please click here to go to and fill out our online record and release form.
Please read our Cancellation/Reschedule Policy
Liability Form:
Please click here to go to and fill out our online “Student Record and Liability Release Form”.
How to sign up for classes/rentals:
Fist select the rental option and, if applicable, the lesson location. Then select the date of the lesson/rental you wish to take.
If you have moved onto the second sign-up page and are having trouble seeing all the required fields, try placing your mouse pointer over the "Additional Information" field and using the scroll wheel on your mouse. Otherwise, you can click on a visible field and hit the "tab" button on your keyboard to go to the next required field.
Lessons closed for the season
See you next year!