Sea Kayaker's More Deep Trouble

Sea Kayaker's More Deep Trouble

Sea Kayaker's More Deep Trouble

$ 28.00 USD

Sea Kayaker's More Deep Trouble follows in the steps of "Deep Trouble" reporting on twenty-nine new sea kayak accidents with in depth analysis of what went wrong and how you can learn to avoid repeating the mistakes others have made that got them into trouble. Appropriately enough, the first story in "More Deep Trouble" is by Kayak Academy's own George Gronseth who was co-author of the original "Deep Trouble", and as with the first book, "More Deep Trouble" was also compiled by Chris Cunningham, the then editor of "Sea Kayaker Magazine". Anyone who cares about their sea kayak safety will appreciate reading these books, and if you teach kayaking or lead trips you'll want to re-read them annually.

People who bought "Deep Trouble" often read it several times and buy extra copies to give to friends, co-workers, and kayakers they met over the years. "More Deep Trouble" will be another one of those books so consider buying a few extra copies to have around as gifts, and if you haven't read the original "Deep Trouble", get both now. You'll find them hard to put down, and you'll feel better prepared having read them.