Rental Kayaks And Kayaking Equipment Rentals
We do not offer rental kayak this year.
At Kayak Academy we spoil our renters by providing them with the same high quality gear that we ourselves like to use. In addition to kayaks, we also rent wet suits, dry suits, neoprene booties, kayak helmets, tents, sleeping bags, down filled air mattresses, and more. Most rental gear (except kayaks) can be shipped within the US. Local renters may picked up gear a day in advance and returned up to a day after your trip with no extra charge. E-mail us to start a rental reservation. For rentals used or shipped within Washington State, sales tax is added onto rental fees and shipping.
Dry Suit Rentals -
Not offered this year. We rent dry suits for long-term use (e.g. Grand Canyon trips). We rent Kokatat brand Gore-Tex dry suits in men's and woman's sizes, and we ship rental drysuits anywhere in the 48 contiguous states. Up to $150.00 of your dry suit rental fees may be used toward the purchase of a new dry suit from us before Dec. 31 of the same year. For more information about reserving a rental dry suit, click Rental Dry Suits.
Wet Suit Rentals - not offered this year.
We have rental wet suits available in all sizes of Kokatat's men's and women's wets suits plus men's NRS Grizzly size wet suits. These are neoprene farmer john sleeveless bib paddling style wet suits. The rental fees for wet suits are $20.00 per suit for the first day and $15.00 per suit for each additional day.
Sea Kayak Rentals - not offered this year.
Our single sea kayak rental packages include free use of PFD (life jackets) with whistle attached, paddle, spray skirt (neoprene w/adjustable waist - not the cheap nylon kind), bilge pump with pump float, and a self-rescue paddle float. Our one-person sea kayak rental fleet specializes in state-of-the-art rudder-free fiberglass and roto-molded sea kayaks with retractable skegs from Valley, Wilderness Systems, P&H, and Northshore. Call to arrange to rent a kayak. Kayak renters must talk with our senior staff about safety skills and roof rack requirements before we will rent. If you are a Kayak Academy alumni or a Mountaineer Sea Kayak Course graduate, be sure to mention that first so we can check our records and speed up the process.
Single Kayak Rental: $ for the first day (K.A. lesson rental are significantly less), $70 for each additional day.
Call us about making a rental reservation, 425-200-0030
Hourly Rentals for Sit On-Top Kayaks and SUP Paddle Boards
During the summer we rent SOT Kayaks and SUPs by the hour at L. Sammamish State Park, Issaquah WA through our subsidiary, Issaquah Paddle Sports (IPS). Please click here to learn more about IPS .
IPS has several models of stand-up paddle boards available for rent. See for more information.