GEAR AID REVIVEX Odor Eliminator 10 oz pouch

GEAR AID REVIVEX Odor Eliminator 10 oz pouch
$ 10.95 USD
GearAid Odor Eliminator (previously Mirazyme) is the answer to stinky booties. It's bacteria that make your booties and neoprene gloves smell, and soap won't help. Odor Eliminator is an enzyme, not a soap, and it kills the bacteria that create that familiar wetsuit bootie odor.
Make new friends, save relationships, get invited on more boating trips - use Odor Eliminator often. Good for smelly wet suits and neoprene gloves too. Simple to follow instructions on the bottle - rinse, dry, enjoy. Makes a great gift for boating friends too.
10 oz pouch (good for many doses)
We also recommend our Circulator bootie and glove dryer because getting your gear dry quickly reduces bacteria growth and the odor that goes with it.