Send your KOKATAT brand dry suit, dry pants or bibs to K.A. for fast, professional latex dry sock repair. K.A. will replace you're worn out, cracked, gummy or torn latex socks with factory original Kokatat brand latex socks. We'll give your other gaskets a free inspection and contact you if we feel it is time to replace them.
- For latex sock replacement on all other brands of watersport dry-wear, go back to "Dry Suits/Gaskets" and select the type of gasket service you need (i.e. "Ankle" or "Latex Dry-sock") from the item that begins with "Gasket Replacement Service Non-Kokatat....".
- For neck and wrist gasket replacement, go back to "Dry Suits/Gaskets" and select the type of gasket service you need (i.e. "neck" or "wrist") from the item that begins with "Gasket Replacement Service KOKATAT....".
We strive to complete the gasket repair(s) in one week after your garment arrives, and we'll put it into shipping the first business day after service is completed. If you live on the east coast or mid-west, you can expedite the return shipping for this order with our UPS 3-Day Shipping Option at check-out and by sending it to us with expedited shipping. The shipping you pay for at our check out is for us to return your item to you after servicing it. Note: If you combine other items with this order, we will hold all items for shipment together with your dry suit/pants after it has been serviced. To have other items shipped separately, place a separate order for your repairs.
Latex Sock Sizes
Kokatat latex dry socks come in three sizes:
- Small
- Men's shoe size: 5-7
- Women's shoe size: 6-8
- Medium
- Men's shoe size: 7.5-11
- Women's shoe size: 8.5-12
- Large
- Men's shoe size: 11.5-12
- Women's shoe size: 12.5-13
Note: We can install either the original size latex sock or a different size that fits you better. If your original size was too tight or too loose, enter this info in the "Comments" box as well as your shoe size when going through the check-out -- then we can pick the best size for you. If you don't provide your sizing info, we can't guaranty the fit. For shoe size please provide your street shoe size without adjusting for dry socks etc.
Note: Most newer Kokatat drywear come with waterproof/breathable fabric dry socks, only older Kokatat gear would come with latex socks, and if you own an older Kokatat GoreTex dry suit with latex dry socks or ankle gaskets, we recommend having Kokatat retro-fit it with GoreTex Dry Socks (call us to arrange this). If you need latex socks that are smaller or bigger than Kokatat's, have us install our Universal latex dry socks on your Kokatat product (our Universal Latex socks are available in smaller and bigger sizes than Kokatat offers), go back to "Drysuits/Gaskets" and select the "Gasket Repair Service Kokatat....".
Purchasing Instructions
Select the "Size" and "Quantity" of latex dry socks you want us to replace and click "Add to cart". If you order only one replacement, please indicate which side you want to be replaced (Left or Right) in the "Comments" box at check out. If you want both socks replaced, simply set the "Quantity" to "2". To add more repair items to your cart (i.e. if you want the neck and wrist(s) replaced too), click "Add to cart" for this item and then click "Continue Shopping" to return to the "Dry Suits/Gaskets" page, and add the rest of the repair items to your cart before checking out.
Note: We do not replace fabric dry socks, only latex rubber dry-socks. We can make arrangements for the Kokatat factory to have waterproof/breathable fabric dry socks replaced or retrofitted to your suit (assuming it is a Kokatat brand GoreTex dry suit), but you must call us for that work. However, we can install latex dry socks on suits that had ankle gaskets or we can install ankle gaskets in place of latex socks.
Shipping/Drop Off Instructions
PRINT two copies of your Order Confirmation -- keep one and put the other in the box with the gear you send us. If you don't have a printer or it went on the frizz - write your order confirmation #, name and address on a scrap piece of paper and insert it in the box you send us.
WASH your dry suit with soap and allow to dry before sending it to us. Health codes require that all garments returned for repairs must be laundered. An additional $25.00 cleaning fee will be added to your repair service for dirty and/or smelly garments shipped to us (or it will be returned without service at the owner's expense), and cleaning will add three days to the repair schedule. When using a front loading washing machine, use a small amount of liquid detergent, cold wash setting and hang to dry. Dry tops can be washed in top load machine. For dry suits, if you can't use a front loading washing machine, we recommend hand washing dry suit in a tub using the same instructions as above. See FAQ
PACK your clean item(s) with a copy of your Order Confirmation. If you ship more than one item to us in the same box, attach a note to each item specifying which type and size gasket(s) you want to be installed on each article as well as which side (L or R). Be sure to adjust the quantity above to account for total quantity to install on all articles.
SHIP via UPS to:
Kayak Academy - Repairs
11801 188th Ave.
Issaquah, WA 98027