GEAR AID REVIVEX ProCleaner Synthetic Fabric Cleaner, 10 oz. pouch

GEAR AID REVIVEX ProCleaner Synthetic Fabric Cleaner, 10 oz. pouch
$ 10.95 USD
GearAid ReviveX ProCleaner Synthetic Fabric Cleaner is recommended for washing GoreTex® dry suits and other waterproof/breathable outerwear, especially as a prep before applying ReviveX Water Repellent or before sending your drysuit/dry top in for factory repair/warranty service. Can be used in the washing machine or hand washing (note: for drysuits only machine wash with a side loading machine which has no agitator to break the zipper).
Detailed washing instructions are on the pouch but use about 1/2 the recommended amount.
10 oz. pouch