Tear-Aid Type A Patch Kit

Tear-Aid Type A Patch Kit
$ 11.50 USD
Tear-Aid works better than duct tape as a temporary patch on latex gaskets used on dry suits and dry tops.
Tear Aid Type A is a clear flexible repair tape. Designed to adhere to a long list of materials including: Hypalon, rubber, most fabrics, fiberglass, nylon, most plastics (including polyethylene, polypropylene and polyurethane), non-oiled leather, aluminum, and stainless steel. Forms a high strength bond that will not get gummy in the heat. Stretches up to 600%.
For the best bond: make sure the gasket is dry and clean (wipe with alcohol) and scuffed with sandpaper, cut a patch of Tear-Aid 1" wide, round all corners, wrap patch up and over end of gasket so it is on both sides of tear. When using a gasket with a patch, take care not to over stretch the repaired part of the gasket while pulling the suit on and off -- best practice is to pinch the patched area to hold it together while pulling the gasket on. Tear Aid patches may need to be replaced on a long trip, so bring enough to redo a tear.
Type A is NOT recommended for PVC or vinyl -- Use Type B for these materials
Effective Temperature range: -20 degrees to 140 degrees
Kit Includes:
- 1) 3" x 12" patch
- (1) 1 3/8" x 1 3/8" patch
- (1) 7/8" x 7/8" patch
- (2) alcohol prep pads
- 36" reinforcement filament (for repairing tears at edges)
- Illustrated repair instructions